This jupyter notebook will guide you on how to segment a 3D MRI image in different classes (eg: WM:White matter; GM:Grey matter; CSF:Cerebro-spinal fluid) using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). Ref:
import os
import nibabel as nib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.stats import norm
# for display
sub_size = 16
Load the input Image
dataFile = '../Data/brain.nii.gz'
maskFile = '../Data/brain_mask.nii'# Mask file, if any
brainImage = nib.load(dataFile).get_fdata()
maskImage = nib.load(maskFile).get_fdata()
Visualize the data in axial, coronal and sagittal view.
def plotOriginalImage(image, slices, title):
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15,5),)
fig.suptitle(title+', slices: ' + str(slices), fontsize=sup_size)
ax1.imshow(image[slices[0], :, :], cmap='gray'); ax1.axis('off'); ax1.set_title('Axial', fontsize=sub_size)
ax2.imshow(image[::-1,slices[1],::-1], cmap='gray'); ax2.axis('off'); ax2.set_title('Coronal', fontsize=sub_size)
ax3.imshow(image[::-1,:,slices[2]], cmap='gray'); ax3.axis('off'); ax3.set_title('Sagittal', fontsize=sub_size)
slices = [90, 110, 130]; bins = 100
plotOriginalImage(brainImage, slices, title='Original Image')
plotOriginalImage(maskImage, slices, title='Original Mask')
Let's plot the image histogram to see if we can see some intensities peaks that will be fitted by our Gaussian Mixture Model.
minIntensity = 100
mask = True
if mask:
maskIndices = np.logical_and(np.array(maskImage, dtype=np.bool_), brainImage > minIntensity)
brainIntensities = brainImage[maskIndices]
maskIndices = brainImage > minIntensity
brainIntensities = brainImage[brainImage > minIntensity]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
_ = plt.hist(brainIntensities.ravel(), bins)
plt.title("Image Intensities Histogram", fontsize=sup_size)
If we look at the histogram of the image above, we can see that it has three peaks, most probably representing CSF, GM, and WM.
Now let's create our GMM model.
The fact that the histogram has three peaks is telling us that we can set the number of components of the GMM to 3.
We are goint to initialize the GMM with means spread over the image intensity range and with wide variances
Feel free to change the number of components to see how the results change.
# Here you can define the number of components of the GMM
nComponents = 3
# Let's create the GMM parameters
GMM_means = np.zeros([nComponents, 1])
GMM_variances = np.zeros([nComponents, 1])
GMM_weights = np.zeros([nComponents])
# initialization:
# -values of the means: every range/nClasses
# -values of the variances: 2*initialWidth
# -values of the weights: 1/nClasses
minIntensity = brainIntensities.min()
maxIntensity = brainIntensities.max()
initialWidth = (maxIntensity - minIntensity) / nComponents
for n in range(nComponents):
GMM_means[n] = minIntensity + (n + 1) * (initialWidth)
GMM_variances[n] = initialWidth**2
GMM_weights[n] = 1/nComponents
Image intensities histogram where we superimpose our GMM with our initialization of the parameters.
def plotHistWithGMM(bins):
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
val, binsH, _ = plt.hist(brainIntensities.ravel(), bins=bins)
area = sum(np.diff(binsH)*val)
plt.title("Brain Image Histogram", fontsize=sup_size)
x = np.linspace(minIntensity, maxIntensity, bins)
gmmNorm = np.zeros(x.shape)
for n in range(nComponents):
plt.plot(x, area * GMM_weights[n] * norm.pdf(x, GMM_means[n], np.sqrt(GMM_variances[n])), label='class ' + str(n + 1))
gmmNorm += area * GMM_weights[n] * norm.pdf(x, GMM_means[n], np.sqrt(GMM_variances[n]))
plt.plot(x, gmmNorm, label='GMM')
plt.xlabel('Frequency', fontsize=sub_size)
plt.xlabel('Intensity', fontsize=sub_size)
The figure above denotes that our GMM is far from fitting the data. We can now start with the EM algorithm and see how well we can fit the data with our GMM model as well as plot our segmentation maps of our segmented brain structures.
Let's compute the initial segmentation (computing the posterior distribution and take the maximum argument) with this parameter initialization and show them.
Here you can set up a flag if you want to see also the "soft" segmentation for each component.
def plotSoftPosterior(slices):
for n in range(nComponents):
tmp = np.zeros(brainImage.shape)
tmp[maskIndices] = posteriors[:, n]
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15,5))
fig.suptitle('Posterior of Class: ' + str(n+1) , fontsize=sup_size)
ax1.imshow(tmp[slices[0], :, :], cmap='gray'); ax1.axis('off'); ax1.set_title('Axial', fontsize=sub_size)
ax2.imshow(tmp[::-1,slices[1],::-1], cmap='gray'); ax2.axis('off'); ax2.set_title('Coronal', fontsize=sub_size)
ax3.imshow(tmp[::-1,:,slices[2]], cmap='gray'); ax3.axis('off'); ax3.set_title('Sagittal', fontsize=sub_size)
def plotHardPosterior(slices, it=0):
tmp = np.zeros(brainImage.shape)
tmp[maskIndices] = hardSegmentation + 1
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(16,5))
fig.suptitle('Segmentation at Iteration ' + str(it), fontsize=sup_size)
cmp = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(['k', 'b', 'gray', 'w'])
ax1.imshow(tmp[slices[0], :, :], cmap=cmp); ax1.axis('off'); ax1.set_title('Axial', fontsize=sub_size)
ax2.imshow(tmp[::-1,slices[1],::-1], cmap=cmp); ax2.axis('off'); ax2.set_title('Coronal', fontsize=sub_size)
img3 = ax3.imshow(tmp[::-1,:,slices[2]], cmap=cmp); ax3.axis('off'); ax3.set_title('Sagittal', fontsize=sub_size)
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.9) # set width of the left three subplot equal to 0.9
# set the size of colorbar
l=0.92; b=0.12; w=0.015; h=1-2*b #left, bottom, width, hight
# set the position of colorbar
rect = [l,b,w,h]
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(rect)
cb1 = fig.colorbar(img3, cax=cbar_ax)
# set the scale of colobar
tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=3)
cb1.locator = tick_locator
# Flag for soft segmentation visual
softPlots = True
# Compute posteriors
posteriors = np.zeros([len(brainIntensities), nComponents])
for n in range(nComponents):
posteriors[:, n] = GMM_weights[n] * norm.pdf(brainIntensities, GMM_means[n], np.sqrt(GMM_variances[n]))
# Normalize them
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
normalizer = np.sum(posteriors, axis=1)
posteriors = posteriors / (normalizer[:, np.newaxis] + eps)
hardSegmentation = np.argmax(posteriors, axis=1)
# Show initial segmentation
plotOriginalImage(brainImage, slices, title='Original Image')
if softPlots:
Note that even if we have a poor parameter initialization, we can start seeing some sort of brain segmentation. Note how the background and CSF ended up in the same class right now.
Let's run the EM algorithm for some iterations and see how the segmentation change. A more robust implementation would look at the log-likelihood (guaranteed to increase at each iteration) and set a minimum increase threshold.
def plotLikelihood(likelihoodHistory):
if len(likelihoodHistory) > 1:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.title("Likelihood Function", fontsize=sup_size)
plt.xlabel('iteration', fontsize=sub_size)
plt.ylabel('log-likelihood', fontsize=sub_size)
maxIteration = 80
showEveryX = 10
likelihoodHistory = []
# Start EM
it = 0
stopCondition = False
minDifference = 1e-4
while(it < maxIteration + 1 and not stopCondition):
# Update parameters based on the current classification
for n in range(nComponents):
softSum = np.sum(posteriors[:, n])
GMM_means[n] = (posteriors[:, n].T @ brainIntensities) / (softSum)
GMM_variances[n] = (posteriors[:, n].T @ (brainIntensities - GMM_means[n])**2) / (softSum)
GMM_weights[n] = softSum / len(brainIntensities)
# Update classification based on the current parameters
for n in range(nComponents):
posteriors[:, n] = GMM_weights[n] * norm.pdf(brainIntensities, GMM_means[n], np.sqrt(GMM_variances[n]))
# Compute likelihood
likelihoodHistory.append(np.sum(np.log(np.sum(posteriors, axis=1))))
# Normalize posterior
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
normalizer = np.sum(posteriors, axis=1)
posteriors = posteriors / (normalizer[:, np.newaxis] + eps)
if it % (showEveryX ) == 0:
plotOriginalImage(brainImage, slices, title='Original Image')
hardSegmentation = np.argmax(posteriors, axis=1)
plotHardPosterior(slices, it)
if softPlots:
if it > 1 and np.abs(likelihoodHistory[-1] - likelihoodHistory[-2]) < minDifference:
print("Algorithm converges since cost per iteration is smaller than minDifference")
stopCondition = True
it = it + 1
The algorithm converged. Let's show our final result!
softPlots = True
plotOriginalImage(brainImage, slices, title='Original Image')
plotHardPosterior(slices, it)
if softPlots: